Requalification of the Dreux Theater: rehabilitation and extension
The Clé Millet International team requalified the auditorium of the Dreux Theater and created a new lobby including a reception area, restrooms, a bar, and new administrative offices.
For the expansion of the theater, it was necessary to consider the impossibility of adding extensions to the north and the need to provide the facility with an entrance opposite to the auditorium. It was decided to remove poorly executed previous additions on the rear facade to enhance its appearance. The new entrance hall is coordinated with that of the auditorium and its foyer in terms of layout and elevation
This intervention with a lightweight structure will reinterpret contemporary textures of bricks and plaster to provide the facility with a unified architectural vocabulary and a strong identity.
This renewal will offer transparency to the heart of the city. Furthermore, given the potential of the new layout of the theater, the city has decided to enrich the program by adding municipal cultural services, which would thus be at the heart of the activities to which they are dedicated.
Photos ©CheChia Chang